Understanding and Using Goโ€™s Variable Types


6 min read

Go is a statically typed language that offers a rich and efficient type system. Learning how to declare and use variables effectively is crucial for Go developers.

This post introduces Go's variable types and demonstrates various ways to declare them, supported by practical examples and labs.

What You'll Learn

  • Go's types

  • Declaring variables

  • The long way to declare a variable

  • The shorter way

Modern programming languages are built with primitives called types. When we say a variable is a string or an integer, we're referring to its type. Today's programming languages generally use two common type systems:

  • Dynamic types (also known as duck typing)

  • Static types

Primitives are the most basic data types available within a programming language. These types serve as the building blocks for more complex data structures.

Go Is a Statically Typed Language

Python, Perl, and PHP, these are dynamically typed languages. In a dynamically typed language, you can create a variable and store anything in it. The type simply shows what is currently stored in the variable.

Here's an example in Python:

# Python example
v = 10  # v holds an integer
v = "Hello"  # v now holds a string

In this case, v can store anything, and the type held by v is unknown without using runtime checks (runtime meaning that it can't be checked at compile time).

In a statically typed language like Go, a variable's type is fixed when it's created and can't change. The type decides both what is currently stored in the variable and what can be stored in it.

Here's a Go example:

// Go example
var v string
v = "Hello"  // Valid
// v = 10      // Compile-time error: cannot use 10 (type int) as type string

The value of v cannot be set to any other type than a string.

Static vs Dynamic Typing: An Example

Python uses dynamic typing, allowing you to store any type of data in a variable, making it very flexible. However, this flexibility has a downside: Python can only detect type-related issues while the program is running, which can lead to runtime errors.

On the other hand, Go uses static typing, meaning you must specify the type of data for variables. This helps Go catch type-related errors before the program runs (at compile time), making your code more reliable and less prone to unexpected issues.

Adding Two Numbers in Python

# Python function to add two numbers
def add(a, b):
    return a + b

# Issues: No type guarantees
result = add(10, "20")  # Runtime error

Adding Two Numbers in Go

// Go function to add two numbers
func add(a int, b int) int {
    return a + b

// Guaranteed integer operation
result := add(10, 20)  // Compile-time type safety

In the Python version, you cannot be sure of the types of a and b. Passing mismatched types (e.g., an integer and a string) can lead to runtime errors.

Go, however, explicitly defines the types of arguments and the return value. Errors are caught during compilation, not at runtime.

Note: Python has added type hints to help reduce such issues. However, since type hints are optional, some problems can still occur.

A study on the Rosetta Code repository compared popular programming languages for runtime failures. Go had the fewest failures, while Python ranked lower.

Static typing clearly contributed to Goโ€™s reliability.

Go's Types

Go provides a variety of built-in types that cater to common programming needs. Hereโ€™s a quick overview:

int64-bit signed integer (32-bit on 32-bit systems)
boolBoolean (true or false)
stringA UTF-8 encoded string
float6464-bit floating-point number
sliceA dynamic array
mapKey-value pairs (like Python dictionaries)
structA collection of named fields (similar to objects)
interfaceA type that holds values implementing specific methods
pointerA memory address pointing to a variable
channelA mechanism for sending and receiving data asynchronously

Declaring Variables

Variables are allocated storage in memory to hold specific types of data. Go offers multiple ways to declare them.

The Long Way to Declare a Variable

Using the var keyword is the most explicit way to declare variables. This method can be used at both the package and function levels.

package main

import "fmt"

var i int64       // Variable declaration without assignment
var word = "Go!"  // Declaration with inferred type and assignment

func main() {
    fmt.Println(i)     // Prints 0 (zero value for int64)
    fmt.Println(word)  // Prints "Go!"

Grouped Declarations

Variables can be declared in groups using parentheses.

package main

import "fmt"

// Declaring multiple variables in a group using parentheses
var (
    count int
    name  = "John"

func main() {
    fmt.Println(count) // Prints 0
    fmt.Println(name)  // Prints "John"

The Shorter Way

Within a function, you can use the shorthand := operator to declare and assign variables simultaneously.

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    num := 42       // Declare and assign in one step
    text := "Hello" // String assignment
    fmt.Println(num, text)

Important: The := operator can only be used within functions and for new variables.

For existing variables, use = for assignment.

Lab Exercises

Lab 1: Explore Go Types

  1. Create a Go file (lab1.go) with the following content:

     package main
     import "fmt"
     func main() {
         var intValue int = 10
         var floatValue float64 = 20.5
         var isTrue bool = true
         var name string = "Go Lang"
         fmt.Println("Integer:", intValue)
         fmt.Println("Float:", floatValue)
         fmt.Println("Boolean:", isTrue)
         fmt.Println("String:", name)
  2. Run the program:

     go run lab1.go

Lab 2: Use Shorthand Declarations

  1. Write a Go file (lab2.go) with:

     package main
     import "fmt"
     func main() {
         a, b := 10, 20
         result := a + b
         fmt.Println("Sum:", result)
  2. Run the program:

     go run lab2.go

Lab 3: Zero Values

  1. Declare variables without assigning values and observe their default (zero) values.

     package main
     import "fmt"
     func main() {
         var i int
         var f float64
         var b bool
         var s string
         fmt.Println("Integer Zero Value:", i)
         fmt.Println("Float Zero Value:", f)
         fmt.Println("Boolean Zero Value:", b)
         fmt.Println("String Zero Value:", s)
  2. Run the program to understand zero values.

     go run lab3.go

Key Takeaways

  • Go is statically typed, meaning variable types are fixed at declaration.

  • Variables can be declared with the var keyword or using the shorthand := operator.

  • Unassigned variables are initialized with their typeโ€™s zero value.

  • Static typing ensures type safety and reduces runtime errors.

Understanding and using Goโ€™s variable types effectively can make your code more reliable and maintainable. Experiment with the labs above to reinforce your learning.
